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Date & Time

4 & 5 November 2023 from 10u until 17u


One day €222, two days €444 with earlybird discount registration before 30-10-2023 €222 or €400


Dr. Kimberly Thompson from Miridia Acupuncture Technology Idaho US

Required prior knowledge

Acupuncturist, TCG therapists or last years students


Hotel van der Valk. Breukelen


Stationsweg 91, 3621 LK Breukelen

We Love to meet you all ♡

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AcuGraph seminar Europe 2023

A message from Dr. Kimberly Thompson… 


Hello Friends!


I’m excited to return to Amsterdam this fall—LIVE and in person.

It’s been way too long, and I miss you.               

You are not going to want to miss this incredible opportunity.

Save the date! 

November 4-5, 2023 This year in Amsterdam, our theme is:  


The Secret Sauce to Successful Treatment of “Medical Lost Causes” 


Here’s a sneak peak of what you can expect throughout the weekend: 

1. AcuGraph: A Modern Diagnostic Tool that Makes Sense

2. Patient Education: The First Visit and Beyond

3. Acupuncture Channel Theory: The Secret Sauce to Successful Treatment

of “Medical Lost Causes”

4. Technology and Tools: Practical Resources to Up-level

Your Skillset and Expedite your Treatment Results 


Every acupuncturist evolves over the years.

I doubt that you are treating exactly the same as you were when

you graduated college.

The same is true with me. My clinic has evolved, A lot! 


I’m excited to teach you how to utilize

the power of AcuGraph at a whole new level! 


Talk to you soon, Dr. Kimberly 



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  Goals and Objectives 

Day 1

1.      AcuGraph:  A Modern Diagnostic Tool that Makes Sense.

•      Embracing modern objective diagnostics for better clinical results

•      Creating a report of findings that fits YOUR medicine

•      A patient education system that is easy to understand

•      A link to western medicine integration

•      Electronic medical records made easy

•      Demonstration and hands on practicum

2.    Patient Education: The First Visit and Beyond

•      Learn how digital analysis can help your patients transition to wellness patients.

•      Learn how to set realistic expectations for patient outcomes.

•      Teaching your patients what to expect during the acupuncture journey.

•      Learning how to transition patient from acute care to wellness care.  


Day 2


3.    Acupuncture Channel Theory:

The Secret Sauce to Successful Treatment of “Medical Lost Causes”

•      Learn how to recognize, understand and analyze difficult health conditions

through digital analysis of the acupuncture pathways.

•      Learn how to confidently utilize acupuncture channel theory to simply explain WHY

other treatment modalities have not brought resolution of symptom in the past.

•      Gain confidence in developing a treatment plan that makes sense, for long-term treatment success,

even when treating difficult, hard-to-treat health conditions.

•      Utilize the power of acupuncture channel theory to to create a storehouse of wisdom

which will catapult your creativity and intuition as a practitioner.

•      Practice meridian analysis for hard-to-treat medical conditions.  

4.    Technology and Tools:

Practical Resources to Up-level Your Skillset and Expedite your Treatment Results

•      Gain confidence in utilizing electroacupuncture to expedite the process of

energetically balancing the acupuncture pathways.

•      Learn how to utilize Light Therapy to enhance treatment outcomes.

•      Learn how to harness the power of Vibrational Therapy for chronic musculoskeletal pain.      


Date and time: 4 & 5 November 2023

From 10.00u until 17.00u


Price: one day €222 or €444 for two days

With early bird discount registrations

before 30-10-2023 one day €222 and two days €400


During our seminar you can by your AcuGraph or other products from

Miridia technology with a seminar discount. 


Teacher: Dr. Kimberley Thompson.

Miridia Technology Acupuncture Idaho US

Prerequisites: Acupuncturists and TCM therapists or last year students of TCM

Accreditation: Zhong, NVA, NWP. Members of the NAAV can apply for accreditation later.


Location: Hotel van de Valk Breukelen

From 10.00u until 17.00u

Address: Stationsweg 91, 3621 LK Breukelen, Netherlands

Language: English

Unlimited food and drinks throughout the day.

Coffee, tea, mineral water, drinks, sweet mints and fruit.

Extensive hot and cold lunch buffet.

Free parking 




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    ·         De wettelijke bedenktijd bedraagt 14 dagen, gerekend vanaf de inschrijvingsdatum.

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    ·         Annuleren is kosteloos tot 4 weken (=28 dagen) voor aanvang van de cursusdatum.

    ·         Bij annulering 4 tot 3 weken (=28 tot 21 dagen) voor aanvang van de cursusdatum bent u 50% van het cursusgeld verschuldigd

    .·         Bij annulering binnen 2 weken (=14 dagen) voor aanvang van de cursusdatum of nadat de training is begonnen bent u 100% van het cursusgeld verschuldigd.

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    ·         Opleidingsinstituut Tal Tao behoudt zich het recht voor om een cursus te annuleren als er onvoldoende inschrijvingen zijn

    .         Wij zullen de cursisten die zich al hebben ingeschreven, tijdig aangeven dat de kans bestaat dat wij hiertoe zullen moeten overgaan

    .         De definitieve beslissing zal uiterlijk 14 dagen voor aanvang van de cursus worden gecommuniceerd.

    ·         Mocht Opleidingsinstituut Tal Tao genoodzaakt zijn een cursus te annuleren dan krijgt u het evt. betaalde cursusbedrag binnen 10 werkdagen terug.

    Annuleringen -Worden op de website aangegeven en per mail

    .         Deelnemers worden per mail tevens op de hoogte gebracht.

    ·         Opleidingsinstituut Tal Tao is niet aansprakelijk voor andere gemaakte kosten als de cursus niet door kan gaan.

    ·         Een annulering is pas van kracht nadat deze door Opleidingsinstituut Tal Tao per email is bevestigd.

    ·    En uiteraard is iedere situatie die zich voordoet uit onmacht waardoor de inschrijving geannuleerd moet worden bespreekbaar.