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Sjamanistische healing
Healing “Panêma” “Spirital disease” is to remove negative energies 

Feeling hunted, fast heartbeating, anxious, restless, nervous or not comfortable in your own body.
Are you feeling disorientated and really emotional, drained and so tired, like an elephant is sitting on your lap?
There could be something negative stuck in your energy-field. We smell that from a distance and we clear it……

Shamanic healings at Tal Tao

 #shamanichealing #shamanicpractitioner#shaman #kambo #spiritofkambo
#energeticprotection#kamboceremonieamsterdam #magic#clearnegativity 
#extractie #soulretrieval#psychopomp #lostsouls##earthboundspirits#poweranimal 
#blackjaguar #soulhealing#protection #protectyourself #inmypower#inourpower
 #assignment #ourmission#ourgifts #taltao #resetyourenergyfield
#energetic #divinematrix#unconditonallove

Beste acupunctuur collega’s,

Nog één week te gaan voor ons tweedaagse AcuGraph seminar in Nederland.
Dr. Kimberly Thompson Analist van Miridia Acupuncture Technology geeft twee dagen les in Amsterdam.

Nog een paar plaatsen vrij, MIS DEZE KANS NIET!

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Tot snel!