
Interested in an AcuGraph or Laserneedle?

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious 💛 “The Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon”

Can you feel it too? Silence before the storm. There is a positive movement in the Morphogenetic Field.

In a little while we can reopen our acupuncture practice and we will be very busy. Do you want to enrich your acupuncture practice?

Are you interested in an AcuGraph system where your client can watch the distribution of his or her Qi in all meridians with you?

Or lease a Laserneedle touch? Send an email to

As soon as it can, a Laserneedle live seminar will be arranged in Amsterdam with one of the top German Laserneedle teachers.

And hopefully we can also plan an AcuGraph seminar soon.

Keep an eye on my website  “The healing of the future” #wakingupin5D


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