Acupuncture is an ancient and widely used medicine in traditional Chinese medicine. It is a holistic approach where there should be a balance in body, mind and soul and a free flow of vital energy through the fine-material energy pathways of the body. When acupuncture is punctured with small thin needles at specific points. This allows energy (either called Qi) flow freely thus reducing symptoms or disappear. In an acupuncture treatment one feels a sensation that is often defined by the thin needle prick as appearance, small current sensation, or warmth sensation of heaviness starting from an acupuncture point and radiating in the course of the meridian. Many different symptoms can be treated with good results. Not only are the symptoms treated, but also the source of the condition or complaint.
Acupuncturist, TAO Hands &
Kuan Yin Lineage Holder
My work is my passion and life mission. As an acupuncturist and energy worker I find it essential to constantly update and expand my knowledge. That is why I regularly attend Chinese medicine seminars and I organize seminars for Traditional Chinese Medicine for acupuncturists through my TCM training institute. I am a specialist laser acupuncturist, ear acupuncturist and apply brain abdominal acupuncture with “the Magic Turtle” technique, which aroused my interest when I was in China. It is unbelievable what I have experienced myself with the Chinese doctors who used “the Magic Turtle” on me. And also what ear acupuncture has done for me personally with my unexplained complaints. That’s why my passion only gets bigger because the body is so complex but also so intelligent if you speak the right language.
In 2017 I taught first aid to the Shamans of the Pachamama temple in Pucallpa Peru, which was a very special experience and learning experience. Just before that, the Spirit Kambo came my way, the Giant Tree Frog with which I have been working for seven years now. The powerful Spirit helps me with my pain and has literally saved my life.
Just before that, the Great Kambo Spirit came my way, the Giant Tree Frog that I’ve been working with for seven years now. The powerful Spirit helps me with my pains and has literally saved my life.
The Divine has called me to work with the Akashic records as a Spiritual Response therapist. I connect with Spirit and with my Higher Self and my Higher Self committees and the Higher Self of the client where we can detect and purify obstructive energies from your soul archive (Soul records) or Akashic record.
In 2021 I had a near death experience and after my recovery the Divine, Master Sha and Kuan Yin and the 87 buddhas called me back to follow the true path of my Soul Mission. I am an advanced TAO hands practitioner and very grateful to be a Kuan Yin Lineage holder.
In 2014 I started with my own Traditional Chinese Medicine Training Instutute TALTAO. I am a distributor of AcuGraph and work with Miridia Acupuncture Technology in Idaho US. I organize in collaboration with with Miridia Acupuncture Technology AcuGraph Chinese medicine seminars.
I am also a distributor of Laserneedle (Laser-acupuncture) in Germany and organise Laser seminars are coming up here soon as well as other Traditional Chinese Medicine training courses for acupuncturists. Keep an eye on my website.
My fascination is great to help others in their search for a better quality of life and healing for all kinds of disorders and complaints and to help and guide in the search and healing of the Soul. When Soul, Mind and Body are in balance, complaints at a higher level will diminish and disappear. Integrative medicine is integrating East and West. I believe we need both. The different components merge into a whole and get the best out of both in order to achieve healing and stay healthy.
Training, Courses, Projects and more
Traditional Chinese Medicine SEMINARS 2024
AcuGraph seminar Europa 2024 9 & 10 November 2024
with Lieven Wauters teacher of OTCG Belgium
Keep an eye on my website
i.c.w. Miridia Acupuncture Technology, Idaho US:
“TALTAO TCM Traininginstitute”