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All of life’s challenges, whether it’s your health, relationships, or finances, are a result of negative Shen Qi and Jing. All healthy conditions, inner peace, inner joy, confidence, and good mental, emotional and physical health are a result of positive Shen Qi Jing.

Shen is the Soul, Heart and Mind, Qi is the energy and Jing is the matter. To change and transform life in all its aspects, you transform the negative Shen, Qi, Jing into positive Shen, Qi, Jing.

We will work with the TAO Calligraphies of Dr. and Master Sha. TAO Calligraphy is transformative art and a unified field. It is a portal where we make and can make a connection with the TAO.

The TAO is the source. TAO is the ultimate creator and contains the most positive information. TAO Calligraphies contain a oneness field. This oneness field contains positive Shen, Qi, and Jing that can transform all aspects of life, including health, finances, your business or your Soul Journey of negative Shen, Qi, Jing blockages into positive Shen, Qi, Jing.

We are going to follow the TAO Calligraphy (tracing), chanting, inhaling and more. And by doing so, you make a connection with the TAO and with the higher dimensions and the higher dimension light. This higher dimension positive light transforms the negative fields and frequencies. The TAO knows exactly what you need. You become what you follow, you become what you chant.  


Alle uitdagingen in het leven of het nu gaat om jouw gezondheid, relaties of financiën zijn

een gevolg van negatieve Shen Qi en Jing.

Alle gezonde omstandigheden, innerlijke rust, innerlijke vreugde, vertrouwen

een goede mentale, emotionele en fysieke gezondheid zijn een gevolg van

positieve Shen Qi Jing.


Shen is de Ziel en Geest, Qi is de energie en Jing is de materie. 


Om het leven in al zijn aspecten te veranderen en te transformeren zet je

de negatieve Shen, Qi, Jing

om in positieve Shen, Qi, Jing. 


We gaan werken met de TAO Kalligrafies van Dr. en Master Sha.

TAO Kalligrafie is kunst en een eenheidsschrift.

Het is een portaal waarbij we een connectie maken en kunnen maken met de TAO.

De TAO is de bron.


TAO is de ultieme schepper en bevat de meest positive informatie. TAO Kalligrafie bevat het eenheidsveld.

Dit eenheidsveld bevat positieve Shen, Qi en Jing die alle aspecten van het leven, inclusief gezondheid,

relaties en financiën van negatieve Shen, Qi, Jing kan omzetten en transformeren

naar positieve Shen, Qi, Jing.


We gaan de TAO Kalligrafie volgen ( tracen) chanten, inademen en meer.

En maken daarbij een connectie met de hogere dimensies en het hogere dimensie licht.

Dit Hogere dimensie positieve licht tranformeert de negatieve lage frequencies.

De TAO weet precies wat jij nodig hebt.


Dat wat je volgt wordt je, dat wat je chant wordt je.


Finally we had so many requests and interest for an AcuGraph seminar and we have VERY GOOD news, we have a date for the next two days AcuGraph seminar in the Netherlands.

After more than three years Dr. Adrian Larsen is coming back to teach us the last amazing skills about AcuGraph

Set the date for Saturday 12 November and Sunday 13 November 2022

For all my colleagues who dream about an AcuGraph this is your change. And you will meet so many AcuGraph lovers from all over the world with whom we can share our passion and experiences.

More information will follow as soon as possible and wll be online..

TALTAO Traditional Chinese Medicine training institute

See you all soon, can’t wait to meet you all 🤍

For more information or a registrations send me an email.



Protocol Jaw Pain and Pain control. Patient woman of 47 who gain a lot of weight after an allergic reaction from a amalgam filling. She had a lot of pain in her jaws and teeth. Also her glands behind her jaws are swollen for a long time. Her body is fighting an inflammation. Two points I also used are the Pain control dental analgesia 1 and dental analgesia 2. And Shen Men, Shen Men is also known as Divine Gate, is so powerful that it treats almost everything– stress, anxiety, depression, inflammatory diseases. Other points in her ear I treat with electro-acupuncture with the Stimpluspro.

She felt a reaction right away, the color in her face came back. 



The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious 💛 “The Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon”

Can you feel it too? Silence before the storm. There is a positive movement in the Morphogenetic Field.

In a little while we can reopen our acupuncture practice and we will be very busy. Do you want to enrich your acupuncture practice?

Are you interested in an AcuGraph system where your client can watch the distribution of his or her Qi in all meridians with you?

Or lease a Laserneedle touch? Send an email to

As soon as it can, a Laserneedle live seminar will be arranged in Amsterdam with one of the top German Laserneedle teachers.

And hopefully we can also plan an AcuGraph seminar soon.

Keep an eye on my website  “The healing of the future” #wakingupin5D




With Spiritual Response Therapy I connect with the Divine, my Higher Self, my Higher Self committees and the Higher Self/Higher Self committees of the client where we can detect and purify obstructing energies from your soul records (Akasha records).

For more information about Soul Purification look under treatments “Spiritual Response Therapy”