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Below you will find a number of references from customers who are / have been treated in Taltao Acupuncture.

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Dré Van Horen
What happens to me …….? I, a man of 70 years old, through a rewarding career in the tax practice, but still locked myself in a chronic sense of fear, embarrassment and sadness, because I could accept my innate physical limitations difficult. But behold, through the mother of Chantal, who is a doctor and is familiar with acupuncture, I came for treatment in acupuncture by Chantal because of my left shoulder. But what happened? A full investigation by Chantal using its brand new digital program is led, that her treatment quickly shifted to getting out of that chronic feelings. What about cognitive treatments, communication training that did not work? Now it goes wonderfully well and effectively. Acupuncture needles, while Chantal guidance concerned …… .. I feel as if I finally really going to live fully. The changes are unprecedented for me !! I am so grateful that I now really be able to be happy with myself because of the treatments of Chantal!
Margreet de Jong-Vos

I had been thinking for a while about acupuncture. It so happened that a friend of mine was under treatment at Chantal. I went with her because I ran with a prolonged cough. The strong reactions to treatment and alarm symptoms of prolonged cough Chantal sent me straight to the doctor to check me at all. The entire check-up showed that my right lung had to be irradiated. For all the radiation we’ve gone through with the acupuncture treatments and these discontinued during radiation treatments. After that I immediately reported back to Chantal. I have endured the good while I still thought I would be very tired by the radiation. Chantal is working on my energy and I have more energy. She has already cured me of: heel spur left foot, inflamed metatarsal right foot. Inflamed shoulder right, my arthritis is still being discussed, but I can again walk with a walking group, which I did last year at this time could not. That’s more than I had hoped. The next thing I want to be treated is still my hay fever and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) The beauty of acupuncture is that you really are with all kinds of complaints can go there. It will be clear that I continue to attend treatment.

Jazz Eckmeyer

As a Western-educated physiotherapist I was always skeptical of alternative medicine. There was in my view insufficient scientific evidence that it really works. I was skeptical but also curious. So in highschool I wrote an essay about acupuncture. So the theoretical background and knowledge was certainly not new to me. Nevertheless, I remained skeptical. After all, how do you explain the functioning of complaint reduction through a needle in your body from an anatomical and neurophysiological perspective? Yet I heard the last twenty years occasionally stories of people around me, who did benefit from an acupuncture treatment. After the treatment they felt comfortable and had fewer complaints and more energy. Intake: During the first conversation with Chantal, I told her I really had no complaints. Yes, I am, as a young father, of course, sometimes a little tired … oh, yes I am a few months ago with snowboarding fell on my shoulder. This has become my right shoulder less mobile terminal and sensitive as I moved up my arm. There is clearly a reduced range of motion ‘in my right shoulder (120 ° flexion) with respect to my left shoulder (180 ° flexion) Chantal said she briefly massaging the sting and why. Exhale when pricking sensation reduces the jab and I felt nothing after a few seconds. Nothing anymore? After a few minutes I felt something! My prejudice about acupuncture was immediately quashed. I felt tingling and my body started to move, while I was lying on the treatment table. A pleasant and very special sensation. After treatment stand-up slowly, because the body is been working despite the outward lying position. With a light ‘high’ feeling in my head I stand-up slowly. Back in the car home became my light ‘high’ feeling fulfilled by a mental acuity and my body was full with energy. “Okay, so there is something happening!“ I said to myself. Well, the next morning I woke up fit. I grabbed my coat from the high peg and to my surprise I moved my right arm with more flexibility. Just a little test armlift- … and I came up with my right arm slightly higher than yesterday … about 140 ° flexion and it was less sensitive. Nice! Proof: I thought I’d let’s ‘Google’ or after twenty years of scientific evidence for acupuncture treatments. On YouTube I found the documentary “The Science of Acupuncture“ by the BBC. My skepticism was further suppressed by this documentary. Curious? Click on the title of the documentary to see it. To everyone who has symptoms or wants to come back into balance and doubt to schedule an interview with acupuncturist Chantal van Merode, I say ‘just plan it’!

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After a long time charge to have had severe menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings I am now after six treatments, asymptomatic and goes much better with me! Chantal is a passionate and highly skilled acupuncturist who really takes the time for you and additionally a sweet and inspiring woman. I can heartily recommend her!

Lieske de Jong

The treatments by Chantal are very careful and very effective. Her clear explanation and love and passion for her profession goes beyond treatment. For me it is a treatment that works directly. A unique woman with the right knowledge!

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Dick Ritsema
After I was forced to quit tennis, football and running after 6 years due to severe back pain, I came in contact with Chantal van Merode. She used the meridians and by measurement method. By exact measurements she could see in both hands and feet were where my physical problems came from. This appealed to me. And the result after five treatments was incredible! It was a relief to stand up and move without pain. In between, she added a new course to this method. Abdominal acupuncture (needles in your stomach and around the bellybutton), the Chinese call it “The Magic Turtle treatment“. I have had two of these treatments. As it all feels, it will not be long before I can play tennis, football and running again. I’m not only impressed by her abilities, with tremendous passion, inspiration and enthusiasm, but also how Chantal thinks about her profession and talks exceedingly fascinating and captivating about it! A real professional at the top! Even though I’m not there yet, I’m very grateful that I met this professional!
Bert Douma

My first encounter with acupuncture was advised by my daughter, it was because I was in a very deep depression. Personally, I did not see the use of it because i’m too sober. But if you’re so depressed you do everything to get better. Months later I realized it was my salvation and that Chantal and acupuncture is not adacadabra. When I did not even know I had her much more likely to ask for help because I had bladder cancer. There is no doctor was who gave me so much help or could then give Chantal. Without her help, both spiritual support combined with acupuncture she pulled me back from a very deep valley. Chantal thanks.

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