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Acupuncture is an old and living, widely

used healing method in Traditional Chinese medicine.

It is a holistic approach to human where there should be

a balance in Body, Mind and Soul and a free flow of life

energy through the subtle energy channels of the body.

The aim of acupuncture is to restore the body’s balance and health,

by stimulating acupuncture points.

For this, very thin needles are used that are pricked

into the skin at specific acupuncture points

which have a specific function.

The needles are so thin that it is a virtually

painless treatment.
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AcuGraph, Meridian Measurements


The AcuGraph digital meridian system is

a medical analysis thatmeasures the energy level

of each meridian.

Outside influences can affect the flow

of natural energies in the body.

AcuGraph identifies

where energy is low, blocked or excessive.

Blockages, imbalances or disruptions in the meridian pathway

can lead to energetic imbalances that can contribute

to negative health problems.

The primary goal of an acupuncture treatment is

to restore energetic balance and a proper energy flow,

allowing your body to function normally

and return to natural health.


The body has it’s own intelligence and self-healing ability, 

acupuncture sends the body the right signals

to regain balance and transform itself.

AcuGraph is the premiere measurement tool of it’s kind,

it offers a fast and efficient measurement

with the most advanced treatment options,

and together we can easily track the progress

and advancement of the transformation

during the treatment process.


It is a natural choice that I use

for high-quality care and excellent results.

Armed with this information,

we can treat even better and more targeted,

make better-informed decisions about your health

and condition, and ensure the best possible treatment

with a faster and better result.
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Laser acupuncture


An evolution in classical acupuncture with needles

is painless laser acupuncture.

This can be used for all indications of acupuncture.

Trigger points can also be stimulated by irradiation

with Laserneedle or Laser pointers,

whereby treatment is done with different frequencies

and with infrared, red laser and blue laser.


Laser acupuncture is excellent and fun for children

because they are more yang

and respond very quick on the treatment

and it is painfree. 
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Gunalight Therapy is a Full Spectrum Light Therapy,

that mimics the natural spectrum of sunlight.

The comprehensive wellness improvements

that Gunalight offers,

from emotional balance to physical health,

promoting a more fulfilling and balanced life.

It improves your concentration and mental clarity.

It boosts energy, influences your body’s circadian rhythm,

promoting better sleep quality and

more effective daytime alertness.

Improved sleep leads to better energy levels,

endurance and keeps you alert and active.

Gunalight therapy goes beyond a surface treatment

and has a profound impact on your overall vitality.

Discover how consistent sessions can strengthen

your immune response, enhance physical capabilities

and improve your overall health, vitality and longevity.

Your physical strength and resilience improves,

making you feel younger

and more powerful with every session.
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Ear acupuncture


The ear is a micro system of the entire body.

Every part of the body, every organ

and every function of the body

corresponds to a specific spot on the ear.

For example, when someone has  pain in a shoulder,

the relevant area on the ear

will also be sensitive to touch,

usually even on the same side of the body.

The ear point locator will find immediately

the weakened point and by

stimulating those points with electro acupuncture

or placing a needle or granule on that spot,

the pain often decreases quite quickly,

and the corresponding spot in the body

is also immediately harmonized
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Abdominal acupuncture


There is a very complicated nervous system in the abdomen:

it contains about 100 million nerve cells

and also resembles brain nerve cells

in function and components.

The abdomen is called the second brain and

can influence emotions such as

sadness, grief, fear, anger and excitement.

The intestines are also the largest immune organ

in the human body,

it has 70% of the human body’s defense cells,

all of which are connected to the abdomen.


In China they call this the Magic Turtle treatment.

Around the navel there is a map of the entire body

where a turtle is drawn and measured precisely.

They call it the Ba Gua map.

By measuring a specific spot precisely,

you can treat a blockage in the neck precisely

in the Turtle’s neck.

This treatment is used for serious insomnia complaints

and for chronic complex complaints.
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